Take a data source 2lis_02_hdr; check the DS is available in active version by RSA6 T-code

In below screen we see it ,means it is active in ecc, if not go to t-code RSA5 and activate.

Below is the RSA5 screen, select u r ds and click on activate datasource option

Once u r ds is active check records in the ds, to see go to t-code RSA3

To see the records in the same screen click on LIST tab.

Then in the next screen seleck any data package double click u will see the data in next screen.

If u want u can down load to excel.

Next we go for lo-extraction t-code LBWE, u get the below screen.

Before changing the extract structure, we need to delete the data in setup table.

To delete the data in setup table t-code is LBWG, then in screen give the application numb and click on execute.

After deletion of data in setup table ,to see if it is deleted or not go to t-code SE11, give the communication structure name of the DS followed by word SETUP. And click on display

Then click on number of entries u get the count or click on execute icon.

Then after deleting data in setup table, then go to LBWE and select u r ds and make it inactive, to make inactive just left mouse click on ACTIVE ,it will become inactive.

Then next to change the extract structure click on MAINTENANCE Then u get below screen

Blue colour fields are predefined extract structure fields, and black colour fields are communication structure fields. First check the extracture fields as per u r recq,if u don’t find some fields then check in comm stru and select the field and move it extract struc.

Then u will come back to LBWE screen, next to regenerate the DS click on the DS name

Then u get the below screen, here select the fields from which u want data by selecting SELECTION box ,and select HIDE from the fields which u don’t want data,and click on save.

Then set the update mode and v3back ground job.

When u click update method, u get below selection screen ,select the update mode and click on tick mark.

Now after all steps again activate the ds, by just clicking on INACTIVE it will become active.

Then run the statistical setup run(oli*bw)t-code to fill the setup table, in the below screen give name of the run and give the termination date and time in future, then click on execute.

Then to see the data is loaded into setup table or not ,go to SE11 and follow the same steps u did for seeing if data is deleted in setup table or not after deleting the data using LBWG t-code.

Refer above screens.


1) LOGIN TO BI SYSTEM, go to RSA1 under modeling tabselect source systemselect u r ecc system double click on itthen u get data sources screen-search your DSthen right click ds and select replicate metadata option. when u replicate just extract structure only copies from ecc ds.

Then next right click DS and select create info package

Then give the description of the info package and click on save.

Then check all tabs and give the inputs and in schedule tab click on start, now this IP will run and load data to PSA.

Then monitor the info package, if it has loaded data till psa or not by clicking on monitor icon

Other way to see data in psa is select u r ds right click and select manage then u get below screen then select recq and click on psa icon.

Then find the standard dso/cube, if found check if active, if not activate.

if u don’t find go to business content & find and install it.

Or create your own dso or cube.

Then create transformations, select ds right click and select create transformations, then give the source and target of transformations and activate.

then select the ds and right click and select create Data transfer transfer process and give the inputs and activate and run and monitor the DTP.

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